WSDOT is planning improvements to reduce congestion, promote system resiliency, and enable restoration along I-5 from the SR 101/I-5 interchange to Mounts Road (Exit 116). The first phase of work included the preparation of a Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) Study for the section through the Nisqually River Delta, to determine the Purpose and Need and Range of Alternatives that will be carried forward into NEPA. SCJ is working with a team of consultants to evaluate the existing conditions within the corridor to help define constraints and potential mitigation strategies for a range of alternatives for increasing capacity and throughput on I-5. Work products included analyses of existing environmental conditions for the built environment, evaluation and screening of design alternatives, participation in the advisory committee, agency, tribal, and stakeholder coordination, NEPA strategy, and production of the PEL Study report and a preferred alternative. The team will move the project forward into NEPA and evaluate environmental and design strategies for the rest of the corridor through Tumwater and Lacey in the next project phase.
You can learn more about this project on WSDOT’s website at: