The Olympic Discovery Trail is a 130-mile multimodal trail that extends from the waters of Puget Sound to the Washington Coast. SCJ developed a 5,000-foot section of the trail located near Blyn, WA. SCJ performed a trail alignment analysis that coordinated with WSDOT, the County, WDFW, and USCOE. The final trail alignment and crossing type were determined, which led to the development of construction documents and specifications, wetland delineation, wetland mitigation plan, biological assessments, permitting services, and construction management and inspection. This section of the trail included multiple design elements to minimize environmental impacts: oversize culverts for surface water flows, boardwalks through wetlands areas to reduce impacts, and a pedestrian bridge over a creek. To successfully permit the project, multiple agencies were involved and required approval. Trail riders will enjoy a more scenic route and no longer have to ride on the highway when the trailĀ is completed.